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April 21, 2022: European Solar Developments 2022 – How to Manage Gigantic Interest for Solar Power?

TaiyangNews Staff

TaiyangNews' Webinar on Solar Demand, Supply And Prices In Europe Today And Tomorrow at a time solar is increasingly on the radar of European policy makers and consumers. With climate change on many people's mind, a war in the continent's eastern country Ukraine, and a resulting massive energy crisis that has led to skyrocketing energy prices and the fear of energy supply shortages, many countries are boosting their targets for solar as the most versatile power generation source.

April 21, 2022, 10:00-11:30 am CEST

TaiyangNews has invited speakers from leading consultancies, solar market research firms, and stakeholders in the supply chain to do analyze today's situation and discuss what to expect in the European solar market in the coming months.