Our Events

Nov. 23-25, 2022 TaiyangNews High Efficiency Solar Technologies Conference

TaiyangNews Staff

TaiyangNews Virtual Conference on High Efficiency Solar Technologies
– TOPCon, HJT and Beyond, Today & Tomorrow


Nov 23, 2022 09:30-14:00 – Conference Day 1
Nov 24, 2022 09:30-13:00 – Conference Day 2
Nov 25, 2022 09:30-12:30 – Conference Day 3

As announcements about PV manufacturing expansions continue all along the value chain, cell/module producers now quickly seem to be moving beyond PERC. The next step is TOPCon while a few manufacturers have successfully launched HJT lines.

For our TaiyangNews conference on High Efficiency Solar Technologies 2022, we have invited leaders from research, production equipment and materials supply as well as cell/module manufacturing and market analysis to look at the topic from different angles.

Our High Efficiency Solar Cell Technologies focuses on commercial high-efficiency cell technologies – from Passivated Contacts (TopCon) to Heterojunction (HJT), but also address next-gen cell technologies. In addition, we will learn about the latest global and Chinese technology roadmaps as well as supply and demand for the different solar technologies.

Video recordings are now available on TaiyangNews Youtube Channel

Please click on the title below to watch presentation recordings of each speaker: