
European Solar Research Institute Rejigs Team

Anu Bhambhani
  • ISC Konstanz has inducted Dr. Florian Buchholz and Andreas Halm into the Executive Board 
  • Rudolf Harney is now in charge of fundraising work with focus on BMWK backed LIBERTAS study  
  • A new Department of Strategy and Education has been formed while Industrial Cooperation and Novel Solar Cells departments have been merged to create the Department of Solar Cells

Leading European crystalline silicon solar technology research and development institute, the International Solar Energy Research Center Konstanz (ISC Konstanz) has restructured itself and its leadership. The institute says that this will prepare the organization for future tasks and strengthen innovation.  

Under the new structure, the founding members and board members of the 1st hour, Chairman Dr. Kristian Peter, Dr. Radovan Kopecek and Dr. Peter Fath were confirmed for the next 2 years. Dr. Fath will continue to act in an advisory role, while Petra Weber will continue to be the Managing Director and lead the Administration Department.   

Newly elected members to the Executive Board now are Dr. Florian Buchholz and Andreas Halm.  

Previous board member and Managing Director Rudolf Harney will now be devoted to operational work and fundraising with immediate effect.  

Kopecek will head the newly created Department of Strategy and Education. Lejo Joseph will lead the Department of Solar Cells, created by merging Industrial Cooperation and Novel Solar Cells departments.  

Buchholz is in charge of Quality Management, which is now renamed as the Laboratory—Solar Cells department.  

Halm has been entrusted with the Solar Modules department, while Peter heads the Department of Energy Systems.  

The restructuring and creation of these new departments will simplify and promote cooperation between them, according to the institute as it supports research and industrial development of solar PV manufacturing within Europe (see ISC Konstanz To Help French Solar Gigafab Go TOPCon).  

"With the new leadership, we are well positioned and ready for the challenges ahead. I am looking forward to leading the fundraising area for the new ISC Lab and to working on projects again," said Harney. "One focus will be the LIBERTAS study on the re-emergence of the solar industry in Germany and Europe." 

ISC Konstanz is part of a consortium created by the German Economy Ministry under the LIBERTAS project to explore the feasibility of setting up the entire PV ecosystem in Germany and Europe (see Germany's Feasibility Study For PV Manufacturing).