Price Index_Table_W29 
Price Index

TaiyangNews PV Price Index – 2024 - CW29


Calendar Week 29 is the 5th week in a trend of relative price stagnation for the TaiyangNews PV Price Index, with only 3 products seeing price movements from CW28. 


The polysilicon category has maintained prices since seeing mid-single-digit price declines in CW25.


Wafer prices have been stable for 8 consecutive weeks now, with no price changes seen since CW21.


While PERC cells were flat WoW, the TOPCon n-type 182 mm was down -3.3%, and the TOPCon 210 mm variety was down -5.7% WoW. 


TOPCon modules saw -1.2% decline in prices this week. And similar to cells, PERC module varieties maintained their prices WoW.

Solar glass prices have remained stable since CW15 when the 3.2 mm (thicker) variant saw a 2.0% increase. 

While the last 5 weeks have been relatively stable, the TaiyangNews PV Price Index has seen considerable declines in CY2024. All Chinese polysilicon types have crossed the -40.2% mark YtD. Among wafers, the n-type 182 mm variant has lost exactly half its value YtD, at -50.0%. Declines in cell prices are approaching -40.0% YtD, while modules have been relatively stable so far this year, losing only up to -21.6%. 

The data refers to average product prices in China. The data was collected by Chinese market research firm Gessey PV Consulting.

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