Weekly Overview On Prices For Polysilicon, Wafers, Cells, Modules & Solar Glass 
Price Index

TaiyangNews PV Price Index – 2024 - CW34

TaiyangNews Staff

Calendar Week 34 was another in a string of stable weeks for the TaiyangNews PV Price Index, with only one category seeing price movements WoW.


Polysilicon prices continued to maintain their levels in CW34, since seeing mid-single-digit price declines in CW25.


While all wafer prices were flat WoW, the p-type 210 mm is the only wafer type to have seen any price movement MoM (down -8.1%).


As with products upstream, prices for all cell types were flat WoW.


The modules category sees 2 additions to the listing this week, the TOPCon 210 mm 60 cells type and the 210 mm HJT Module (615-635W) type, added retrospectively starting CW4 and CW9, respectively. The 2 listed TOPCon module types and the 210mm HJT were down -0.6% WoW in CW34.


Solar glass prices were flat WoW, after the 3.2 mm solar glass declined -1.9% and the 2.0 mm glass declined -4.2% in CW30.

While the TaiyangNews PV Price Index has been relatively stable over the last 10 weeks, it has seen considerable declines in CY2024. All Chinese polysilicon types have crossed the -40.2% mark YtD. Among wafers, the n-type 182 mm variant has lost exactly half its value YtD, at -50.0%. Declines in cell prices are approaching -40.0% YtD, while modules have been relatively stable so far this year, losing only up to -24.0%.

The data refers to average product prices in China. The data was collected by Chinese market research firm Gessey PV Consulting.

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