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Price Index

TaiyangNews PV Price Index – 2024 - CW36


Calendar Week 36 was a mixed bag for the TaiyangNews PV Price Index. While a couple of polysilicon products saw price increases, prices downstream were either flat or negative. 

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After 11 weeks of stagnation, the polysilicon category saw some movement in CW36, with both Chinese n-type silicon and granular silicon seeing price increases of 2.7% and 1.4% WoW, respectively. 

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In what has now been a 5-week trend, the p-type 210 mm 150 µm wafer continued its weekly decline, falling 3.1% WoW. 

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While the PERC cell types maintained their prices, the TOPCon 182 mm and 210 mm cells were down 1.7% and 6.3% WoW, respectively. 

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As with cells, the 2 TOPCon n-type modules were down 3.2% WoW, with the HJT module prices declining 1.8% from CW35. 

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The 3.2 mm (thicker) solar glass declined 5.9% WoW while the 2.0 mm (thinner) glass fell 5.1% WoW in CW36. 

At about the 2/3rd mark in CY2024, the TaiyangNews PV Price Index has seen greater price declines upstream. Even as 2 polysilicon types saw a price uptick this week, all Chinese polysilicon types have seen close to 40% price declines YtD. Among wafers, the n-type 182 mm variant has lost exactly half its value YtD, at 50.0%. The decline for the TOPCon 182 mm (down 40.6% YtD) has been disproportionate among cell types. Module prices have been relatively stable so far this year, losing only up to 26.5%. And finally, solar glass prices have declined in the 14% to 25% range YtD. 

The data refers to average product prices in China. The data was collected by Chinese market research firm Gessey PV Consulting.

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