
Advanced Solar Module Technology 2018 Report

Shravan Chunduri

The Times For A New Generation Of Solar Modules Has Come –TaiyangNews Presents an In-Depth Report With Product Data On The Most Exciting New Module Technologies

In the 2nd edition of our TaiyangNews Advanced Module Technologies Report, we provide an in-depth update on 6 different module technologies – increasing number of busbars, multi busbars, half cells, shingling, glass-glass and bifacial. Indeed a lot of progress has taken place with these technologies since we published our 1st report 12 months ago. Back then, many of these technologies were mostly in the RD&D phase. In the meantime, considerable progress has been made for each of these technologies. All approaches are fully commercialized now, and module products are available on sale from multiple suppliers. This report presents a comparison of the top products for the different advanced module technologies from leading international manufacturers.

  • Introduction

  • Overview

  • Key Meterics of Solar Modules

  • Advanced Module Concepts

  • Advanced Processing Materials

  • Conclusions

  • Cases Studies:

    • P-PERC Bifacial LONGi Solar

    • HJT / SWCT Meyer Burger

    • N-PERT Bifacial Jolywood

The TaiyangNews Advanced Solar Module Technology 2018 Report is for download free of charge here.