This TaiyangNews report on Advantages of 210mm Solar Modules provides a summary of the first conference day of our Advanced Solar Modules event and presents also details on the 210mm products of the conference sponsors Trina and Risen. 

Advantages of 210mm Solar Modules Report

Shravan Chunduri

In the past, a route often taken towards higher module power output has been through improving cell efficiency. While the advent of advanced technologies such as half-cell, MBB and shingling brought about a slight change, module makers found a rather easy and straightforward way in 2019. Adopting much larger wafer formats made it much simpler than relying on cell efficiency development. The approach that has been spreading like wildfire throughout the industry. To put it simple, the use of very large wafers has made the module segment increasingly dynamic and interesting. Banking on this opportunity, we created a platform to promote a dialogue between research, the industry and key customers through TaiyangNews Virtual Conference on Advanced Solar Modules.

Day 1 of the conference series, held on January 27, 2021, provided an exclusive day to present the advantages of the 210 mm wafer format-based modules. The two strong advocates of the 210 mm based module configuration — Risen Energy and Trina Solar — presented their views on the benefits of modules based on the largest commercially available wafer size along the value chain and its LCOE advantages.

This report on Advantages of 210mm Solar Modules provides a summary of the first conference day of our Advanced Solar Modules event and presents also details on the 210mm products of the conference sponsors Trina and Risen.

The TaiyangNews report on Advantages of 210mm Solar Modules: Large G12/210mm Wafer Format Enable High Power & Cost Reduction Of Solar Modules – A Conference Summary is for download free of charge by clicking the below button [download-file].