To learn the latest on Solar Tracker technology, the stakeholders and their products, check the 2nd Edition of the TaiyangNews Market Survey on Solar Trackers, which features 46 products from 21 tracker suppliers. 

Solar Trackers Market Survey 2022

Shravan Chunduri

Picking up from our first report on solar trackers published in 2021, the progress made in this segment in just a year has been remarkable, as can be seen in our new Market Survey on Solar Trackers 2022. Indeed, solar trackers are increasingly becoming an integral part of large-scale utility scale solar power plants.

Actually, several things have worked in its favor. First and foremost is the wider adoption of the bifacial technology. Trackers as the mounting structure and bifacial module technology are a perfect match to increase the power yield (that's why we organized a combined Bifacial and Solar Trackers 2022 Virtual Conference – presentations see here). This combination makes also economic sense despite trackers being much more sophisticated, complex and also expensive than fixed tilt ground-mounting systems. And the trend to bifacial modules in utility scale solar will continue, in particular with high- efficiency cells that offer higher bifaciality than today's PERC technology.

To learn the latest on Solar Tracker technology, the stakeholders and their products, check the 2nd Edition of the TaiyangNews Market Survey on Solar Trackers, which features 46 products from 21 tracker suppliers.
