
14.9% Efficiency Reported For Organic Solar Cells

Anu Bhambhani
  • Fraunhofer ISE has reported an efficiency of 14.9% for its organic solar cells in joint research with the Freiburg University
  • They managed this efficiency on an area of at least 1 cm² in a certified measurement at CalLab PV Cells
  • Team wants to continue to make efforts to further increase the efficiency and bring it to the market in collaboration with industrial partners

A 'record' 14.9% power conversion efficiency for solar cells has been reported by Germany's Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) along with the Freiburg Materials Research Center FMF at the University of Freiburg, on an area of 1 cm².
Using a previously designed cell layout at Fraunhofer ISE, the researchers reached the 14.9% value in a certified measurement in its CalLab PV Cells. "When we achieved high efficiencies with a commercial absorber material on small laboratory cells, we wanted to know whether this could also be achieved on the larger area of ​​1.1 cm 2can be realized. We were very satisfied with the results as we did not experience any losses," said Dr. Birger Zimmermann, Team Leader for Production Technology for Organic Solar Cells at Fraunhofer ISE.
The researchers on the project believe this 14.9% efficiency is an important step in the further development of this cost-effective technology towards broad application maturity, out of the labs. They will continue to make efforts and increase the efficiency further over the next few weeks and months.
They aim to develop this technology further along with industry partners to ensure its costs come down. One way to do this is to use inexpensive and environment friendly materials, the team points out and develop such processes to upscale roll-to-roll processes to produce solar modules like films. These then can be used on a number of surfaces and devices.
The research work is part of the project termed H2OPV—organic photovoltaics to cover water reservoirs, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).
In November 2019, Fraunhofer ISE confirmed 12.6% efficiency claim for organic PV module on 26 cm² area as claimed by researchers from FAU, ZAE, HI ERN and SCUT (see 12.6% Conversion Efficiency For Organic PV Module).