
Cell Connection Equipment For Shingling PV Modules

Shravan Chunduri
  • M10's technology called SURFACE interconnects solar cells in brick pattern with very narrow overlap of 1 to 1.2 mm
  • The interconnection pattern results in better power yields during the partial shading of the module, on top comes the superior aesthetics
  • M10's tool platform supports interconnecting 12,000 cell strips per hour

M10, a German module production equipment supplier, has developed an innovative interconnection system for producing shingled solar modules. M10 Solar Equipment GmbH created the SURFACE Shingle Matrix Technology in close collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE. M10 was one of the three Intersolar Award 2022 recipients for its interconnection tool platform.

In this method, solar cells are cut into six strips and are perfectly bonded to each other with a very narrow overlap of 1 to 1.2 mm using electrical conductive adhesive (ECA). The SURFACE system arranges the solar cells in a brick pattern, as opposed to conventional shingling approaches or even cutting-edge state-of-the-art module production practices, which align the cells vertically and join them as strings. M10 approach allows electricity to flow across the whole surface of this module matrix, with cells in each row connected in series and parallel to adjacent rows. The advantage of this interconnection pattern is better power yields in the event of partial shading. The resulting shingled modules have two key benefits: First, this approach eliminates cell gaps, increasing the utilization of the module surface area and power density, and therefore enhancing efficiency. What follows is appealing aesthetics with a consistent visual impression. This offers high potential for applications in building façades, vehicles and other integrated applications.

According to M10, the resulting module has up to 6% (relative) higher module efficiency than standard half-cell modules and is lead-free. The company's tool platform supports interconnecting 12,000 cell strips per hour. The shingled modules, in general, are considered to be rather costly due to laser slicing of the cells into several pieces and the use of ECA. M10, on the other hand, argues that the manufacturing costs associated with its technology are comparable to those of a standard soldered connection.

The Intersolar Award jury was impressed by the system's innovation, distinctiveness, high precision, and productivity, as well as its potential as a multiplier and enabler of environmentally-friendly PV module technology, particularly for the integrated industry.

The text is an excerpt from TaiyangNews report on New Solar Products Overview 9M/2022, which can be downloaded for free here.