
Chinese Solar PV Manufacturers Push For More Standardization

Anu Bhambhani
  • A group of 7 Chinese solar PV manufacturers have proposed another standard size movement
  • They recommend unifying the size and mounting hole position of 2,465 mm x 1,134 mm n-type solar modules
  • This standardization will bring down risks associated with logistics and lower installation & construction cost, they claim

A group of 7 leading Chinese solar PV manufacturers have proposed to unify the size and mounting hole position of 2,465 mm x 1,134 mm n-type solar module as the standard for the industry.

These manufacturers are JA Solar, Jolywood, GCL System Integration, DAS Solar, Yingli Solar, AIKO, and Astronergy.

Their joint proposition is for the 2,465 mm x 1,134 mm solar modules to have a standard longitudinal hole spacing on the long side to have 790 mm (aperture Φ7mm*10mm)/1200mm (aperture Φ9mm*14mm)/1600mm (aperture Φ9mm*14mm) dimensions.

According to them, ,2465mm x 1,134mm standard size modules can provide higher power, higher efficiency, and lower system cost. The modules of this size also show higher efficiency and lower risks in logistics, installation and construction, and later maintenance, achieving a harmonious balance between high power and safety.

"We firmly believe that through this initiative of standardizing the size and installation hole position, we can further promote the industry to develop in a more efficient, economical and environmentally friendly direction," stated the manufacturers.

Their joint collaboration is now seeking more companies to join as members.

Back in 2021, JA Solar, JinkoSolar and LONGi had agreed to 2,465 mm x 1,134 mm module size with mounting hole spacing of 400 mm, 1,200 mm/1,500 mm for 78-cell modules based on M10 wafer size (see Trio Release M10 Module Standardization).