
Criteria for Selecting Solar Cell Production Equipment

TaiyangNews Staff

Dr Balachander Krishnan, COO of Shirdi Sai Electricals Limited (SSE), as the key note speaker at the recent TaiyangNews Virtual Conference on Solar Cell Production Equipment & Processing Materials, shed light on the selection criteria for key cell production equipment. SSE is on of the first winners in India's Production Linked Incentive (PLI) aimed at building a fully integrated solar manufacturing value chain in the country (see Solar PLI Budget Set To Increase).

SSE plans to set up manufacturing capacities including silicon metal, polysilicon, wafers, cells modules and solar glass. Krishnan provided details for the different cell manufacturing equipment products he has to source. He mainly considered tunneling oxide deposition, polysilicon application and subsequent doping, providing a deep analysis of available approaches – thermal oxidation, PECVD, ALD and wet-oxide – for tunneling oxide and LPCVD, PECVD, APCVD and PVD for post-deposition along with the doping option of in-situ and ex-situ.

The Conference took place on 28 February 2023 and had other eminent speakers take part from leading stakeholders in the cell production equipment and materials space like DK Electronic Materials, H2GEMINI, SCHMID Group, WAVELABS, HANS PV and Leadmicro.