
Performance and Production of Passivated Contacts

Anu Bhambhani
  • Only a handful of companies are producing PV modules based on passivated contacts technology
  • Cell level production efficiency for PC technology quickly increasing – reaching 23.5% average
  • Jolywood, the largest manufacturer of PC products announced 100% "sold out" for 2020

While passivated contacts (often called TOPCon) cell architecture has been very hot topic within the solar community, there are still only a handful of companies that are commercially producing cell and modules using the technology. Jolywood currently owns the highest passivated contacts cell production capacity of 2.4 GW, converted entirely from n-PERT cell architecture. The Chinese company is producing cells with average efficiencies of 23.5%; its champion cell has an efficiency of 23.8%. The modules built with these cells have a power rating from 390 to 420 W in 72 cell configuration (also available as half cell variant).

The products of the company also seem to have been well received by the market. Jolywood told TaiyangNews that the entire capacity of the company has been sold off for this year. Most of the capacity got booked for projects feeding modules for China's Toprunner program (Jiangsu Sihong and Jilin Baicheng) and CSP (Qinghai). The company also noted that there has been an increased order flow from the Middle East after successfully accomplishing a 125 MW project with Marubeni Corporation in the region. Jolywood also emphasized that it would keep up the continuous production for the entire year even during times of the COVID-19 lockdown in western countries.

Linyang, which also started with n-PERT, in the meantime has transitioned to TOPCon as well. It says its average cell efficiency is 23.07%, while the champion TOPCon cell has an efficiency of 23.82%. The company is mainly promoting a 144-half cell module with a highest rated power of 415 W. Both Jolywood and Linyang made notable progress in increasing efficiency by about 1% absolute, as 22.66% and 22.5%, respectively, were the average production efficiencies reported by these two companies in mid-2019.

Trina Solar installed a new 500 MW line in 2019, which it says produces at an average efficiency of 23%. Trina also holds the record efficiency for passivated contact cells at 24.58%. The bifacial double glass modules of the company have a rated power of up to 425 W. While the company has not made any further announcements about the latest production efficiencies in recent times, it set yet another record efficiency with passivated contacts technology adapted on cast mono n-type wafers attaining 23.22%.

Yingli has been working to develop the process for PC cells and attained 23.2% efficiency in R&D, with a goal of achieving an average production efficiency of more than 23%. Several companies are in the process of evaluating the technology.

For details on further important aspects on passivated contacts technology, see TaiyangNews Report on High Efficiency Cell Technologies 2019