
Risen Brings Down Silver Consumption In HJT Modules

Anu Bhambhani
  • Risen Energy claims that the silver consumption of its Hyper-ion HJT solar modules has come down significantly 
  • The flagship solar module series of Risen now uses less than 7 mg/W of silver, according to the manufacturer 
  • PERC and TOPCon solar panels currently use around 7.82 and 10.24 mg/W silver, respectively 

Leading solar cell and module manufacturer from China Risen Energy has claimed to have brought down the use of silver in its heterojunction (HJT) Hyper-ion solar modules to less than 7 mg/W. 

This, it says, is even lower than some 7.82 mg/W used in PERC and around 10.24 mg/W reported for TOPCon solar panels. 

The Chinese manufacturer had earlier shared that its Hyper-ion modules use a silver-coated copper based paste and reduced silver consumption to less than 10 mg/W (see Hyper-Ion Solar Module Series From Risen). 

High silver consumption is a major cost contributor of HJT modules that otherwise is considered to offer higher efficiency potential than both competing PERC and TOPCon technologies. Hence, reducing its use will make it cost competitive, even more than it already is.  

While the company has not explicitly mentioned the route it adapted to reduce the silver consumption, low silver content paste, 0-BB, stress free interconnection and ultra-thin wafers are key technical features of its technology that are driving ng the overall costs down.       

During TaiyangNews High Efficiency Solar Technologies Virtual Conference in December 2023, Risen Energy's Senior Product Manager Jiajun Ye shared the company's metallization roadmap. According to Ye, the company aimed to bring down the silver use for Hyper-ion modules to $0.0064/W in 2024, from $0.0102/W in Q3/2023 (see HJT: TaiyangNews High Efficiency Solar Technologies Conference Day 2). 

TaiyangNews is hosting a Special Focus Webinar on January 30, 2024 on HJT Solar Application Trends in Europe, with Huasun Energy and Next2Sun. Registrations are free and can be done here.