
5.2 GW Solar & Wind Project Open For Consultation

Anu Bhambhani
  • Western Australia is consulting on a large scale renewables powered green hydrogen and green ammonia project
  • Murchison Hydrogen Renewables Project is proposed to have 5.2 GW of onshore wind and solar PV capacity
  • It will also comprise a PtX facility for 2 million green ammonia production with green hydrogen to be exported to emerging green energy markets

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of Western Australia has opened a consultation to seek stakeholder views on 5.2 GW onshore wind and solar energy powered green hydrogen to be converted to 2 million tons per annum (Mtpa) of green ammonia.

The Murchison Hydrogen Renewables Project is proposed to be located within the Shire of Northampton, around 20 km north of Kalbarri. Renewables will form a combined installed capacity of around 5.2 GW, and a Power-to-X (PtX) facility for the green ammonia production.

The proposal also involves an ammonia export facility including pipeline and export vessel mooring and product transfer infrastructure. It is planned to be exported to emerging green energy markets.

EPA says through this consultation, it seeks to understand if it should assess a proposal for its environmental impact assessment (EIA) and what level of assessment is considered appropriate.

According to the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), the project has Hydrogen Renewables Australia and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners as its main proponents and will cost an estimated AUD 10 billion for completion of the entire project.

Launched on May 2, 2022, the consultation will close on May 8, 2022. Details are available on EPA's consultation website.  

Back in 2019, Hydrogen Renewables Australia, backed by Terry Kallis of Kallis Energy Investments had initially announced the project in collaboration with Siemens (see Another RE Powered Hydrogen Project In Australia).

This follows another consultation launched by EPA for up to 5.4 GW solar, wind and energy storage hub proposed by Fortescue Metals Group Limited (FMGL) in Western Australia's Pilbara in February 2022 (see 5.4 GW RE Hub Proposed In Australia).