
APS Seeking Up To 800 MW Renewable Energy

Anu Bhambhani
  • APS has invited proposals for up to 1.5 GW of power generation capacity, including for between 600 MW to 800 MW renewables
  • Eligible technologies include solar, wind and energy storage projects with minimum capacity of 5 MW
  • Proposals received will be evaluated on the basis of their meeting APS' reliability and clean energy objectives

Arizona, US based electric utility Arizona Public Service Co (APS) has launched an all-source request for proposals (RFP) round for 2022, seeking between 1 to 1.5 GW of power generation capacity, comprising 600 MW to 800 MW of renewable resources.

The RFP is open to all technologies, including both supply as well as non-supply side resources including solar, wind and energy storage technologies. It will accept proposals for existing or new resources for the following supply side or front of the meter (FTM) technologies including solar+storage.

It aims for the capacity contracted to come online between 2025 beginning through June 2027. Minimum project capacity sought is 5 MW.

In case the tender receives a significant number of proposals, APS said it will prioritize projects coming online in 2025, compared to those coming online in 2026.

APS said responses to this RFP will be evaluated on their ability to meet one or both of the reliability and clean energy objectives.

This capacity will enable it to meet its requirements under its Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) that it has filed with the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). Under the IRP, it aims to achieve an interim target of 65% clean energy mix and 45% renewable energy mix by 2030.

Launched on May 16, 2022, the last date for interested companies to send in their proposals is July 8, 2022. APS expects to make final selections in September 2022. Further details are available on APS website.