
Brazil: Solar & Wind Energy Auction On August 24, 2021

Anu Bhambhani

Brazilian electricity utility and the country's largest energy trader Companhia Energetica de Minas Gerais (CEMIG) has fixed August 24, 2021 as the date when it will hold a Special Incentive Electricity Purchase Auction for solar and wind energy generation.

It will purchase 100% of electricity generated by the facilities under contracts to be entered with winning developers. Selected projects need to start generating power from January 1, 2021 under tender terms, and stay under the contract till December 31, 2038 (under 15-year contracts), or till December 31, 2033 (under 10-year contracts).

CEMIG said it will procure clean energy from the winning projects through CEMIG Generation and Transmission (GT) to cater to its needs in the Southeast/Midwest, South and Northeast submarkets, however it does not specify the amount of energy it intends to buy.

Interested companies can register with CEMIG till August 9, 2021, and winners of the August 24, 2021 auction will be declared on August 31, 2021, according to tender details that are available on CEMIG's website in Portuguese language.

This auction will be different from the A-5 New Energy Auction to be held on September 30, 2021 by the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) that's open to all power generation technologies, including coal (see Brazil To Hold A-5 New Energy Auction On Sept 30, 2021).