
Morocco’s EPC Tender For 260 MW Solar

Anu Bhambhani
  • Masen is seeking EPC service providers to establish 260 MW solar power capacity in Morocco
  • It is divided into 2 lots to be set up in the country's eastern and southern parts for which bids will be opened on October 30, 2022
  • There are a total of 7 projects with 5 to be implemented under lot 1 and remaining 2 projects under lot 2

The Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy (Masen) has launched a call for EPC service providers to enter the competitive bidding round for building 260 MW solar power capacity in the form of 7 plants in eastern and southern parts of the North African country.

This capacity is part of the country's Noor Atlas Solar Program. Of the 7 project sites, 5 will be spread across as 42 MW in Ain Beni Mathar, 42 MW in Enjil, 36 MW in Boudnib, 36 MW in Outat el Haj and 30 MW in Bouanane, under lot 1.

Lot 2 will have 2 solar power plants of 36 MW capacity each, to come up in Tan-Tan and Tata regions.

"Law 38-16 provides for the transfer of renewable assets from National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water (ONEE) to Masen. It is in this context, and following the pre-qualification phase organized by ONEE, Masen's historical partner, that the call of tenders launched today by Masen will make it possible to select the manufacturer(s) (EPC) among the 8 pre-qualified companies/consortia," reads the tender document.

The agency plans to open the bids under this tender in next 4 months, on October 30, 2022. Details of the tender, launched on July 4, 2022, are available on Masen's website.

Masen is the nodal agency for the implementation of efforts to help Morocco achieve over 52% share of renewable energies in the national electricity mix by 2030. Presently, it has around 50 operational renewable energy projects with 4.11 GW combined capacity comprising 2.5 GW solar, 1.32 GW wind and 360 MW hydroelectric capacity.