
Nova Scotia Launches Green Choice Program

Anu Bhambhani
  • Nova Scotia says its Green Choice Program will support large energy users source up to 100% renewable energy
  • It will be open to governments, Mi'kmaw band councils, public schools, universities, healthcare facilities and non-profit organizations, among others
  • Some large commercial or industrial customers may also be eligible to offtake clean energy under the program
  • This clean energy will come from 350 MW solar and wind energy projects that can come online from 2027-28

The Nova Scotia Ministry of Public Services and Procurement in Canada has launched the Green Choice Program, opening up the way for large energy consumers to procure renewable energy, thus supporting such projects.

The procurement call, launched on December 1, 2023, is open for new wind and solar energy projects with 350 MW installed capacity that can start generating electricity from 2027-28.

Large energy users with an average energy load of 10,000 MWh/year over the last 3 years are eligible to offtake from these projects. These get the option to get up to 100% of their electricity from renewable energy.

Eligible offtakers include governments, Mi'kmaw band councils, public schools, universities, Nova Scotia Community College, healthcare facilities and non-profit organizations. The ministry said that some large commercial or industrial customers may also be eligible.

Calling the Green Choice Program the 1st of its kind in Canada, Nova Scotia's Minister of Natural Resources and Renewables, Tory Rushton said, "Once it's fully up and running, the program will add 10 per cent more renewable electricity to the grid and help us reach our goal of 80 per cent renewables by 2030."

Coho Climate Advisors, previously Customer First Renewables, will act as the 3rd part administrator for the competitive solicitation process.

The last date for bid submissions is June 14, 2024. Details of the call and request for proposals (RFP) documents are available on a dedicated website for the Green Choice Program.