
RFQ For 1.5 GW Abu Dhabi Solar Project

Anu Bhambhani
  • EWEC says it has issued RFQ documents for companies interested in developing the Al Ajban Solar PV Project
  • It had issued EOI for the 1.5 GW solar power plant planned for Ajban region, back in May 2022
  • This is the company's 3rd large scale solar PV project after 1.17 GW Noor Abu Dhabi and 2 GW Al Dhafra

The Emirates Water and Electricity Company (EWEC) of Abu Dhabi has issued a request for qualification (RFQ) round for its 1.5 GW Al Ajban Solar PV Project, it announced on the company's social media.

In a brief announcement, EWEC said it has issued the RFQ to those developers that expressed interest in developing the new Al Ajban Solar PV Independent Power Project without identifying the suitors. The expression of interest (EOI) was announced in May 2022 (see Bids Invited For 1.5 GW AC Solar Plant In Abu Dhabi).

The project is planned to be located in Ajban region and will be part be the UAE's Energy Strategy 2050, it stated.

It would be EWEC's 3rd utility scale solar power project. Previously, it realized 1.17 GW Noor Abu Dhabi Solar Project at Sweihan, while 2 GW Al Dhafra Solar Plant is due to come online in H2/2022.

According to a Global Energy Monitor (GEM) report from June 2022, Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has 60.9 GW of new utility scale solar and wind power capacity scheduled to come online by 2030. The UAE had 2.6 GW operational solar capacity and is expected to add another 3.97 GW by the reference year (see 73 GW+Solar & Wind Projects Planned In MENA).