
Sri Lanka Seeking Bidders For 70 MW AC PV Capacity

Anu Bhambhani
  • CEB is looking for interested developers for the deployment of 70 MW AC PV capacity 
  • It needs to be installed as ground mounted solar plants with individual projects ranging between 1 MW AC to 5 MW AC 
  • CEB will enter into 20-year PPAs with the winners of this call who will develop the projects on a BOO basis 

Sri Lanka's Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) has invited proposals for the development of 70 MW AC solar PV capacity to be deployed as ground mounted projects to be grid-connected via various substations.  

The installed capacity of a single plant will be in the range of 1 MW AC to 5 MW AC. These shall remain in operation for a 20-year period. 

Broad scope of work for interested developers will be to design, finance, build, own and operate the projects during their operational period. Selected companies will be in charge of maintaining the plants. A single company can submit more than 1 proposal. 

CEB will enter into long-term power purchase agreements (PPA) with the winners. Projects should be commissioned within 10 months from the date of signing the PPA. 

The tender call was launched on November 7, 2023 for proposals to be submitted till December 19, 2023.  

This tender follows the floating solar power plant call for 2×100 MW issued by the CEB earlier this month (see Sri Lanka Exploring Feasibility Of Floating Solar Technology).