
Switzerland Launches Call For Solar Along National Roads

Anu Bhambhani
  • FEDRO soliciting applications from 3rd parties to deploy solar panels along national roads
  • It has identified around 350 noise barriers and 100 rest areas into 15 lots for this tender round, to be made available free of charge
  • Power generated will need to be either sold in the open market or fed into the grid by the project company

The Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) in Switzerland has officially launched a call to install solar PV panels along national roads for around 350 noise barriers and 100 rest areas, group into 15 lots, to explore the potential of this technology.

Applicants will need to plan and implement the solar PV system on the corresponding area within a specified time frame. They will be provided suitable areas as noise protection walls or rest areas along the roads free of charge for the purpose.

Broad task for the winners will be to finance, construct, connect, and operate and maintain the PV system. Power generated will need to be produced independently and sold on their own, either to the open market or fed into the national grid.

Applications can be submitted by a single applicant for one or more lots. Potential for energy generation will be an important criterion when evaluating the applications, it added.

Interested applicants have time will February 24, 2023 to submit their proposals in response to the call that opened on September 19, 2022. Further details are available on the government website.  

FEDRO estimates the annual potential of solar PV power generation along national roads as 55 GWh. It has been using part of this potential to generate its own electricity through panels installed on land around tunnels and work yards for self-consumption. The call launched invites 3rd parties to further exploit this potential.

In August 2022, FEDRO amended its National Roads Ordinance (NSV) to offer areas along national rods free of charge to 3rd parties to generate renewable energies (see Swiss Tender Planned For PV Along National Roads).