Australian State’s Renewable Energy Plans

Queensland Government Seeking Feedback On Plans For 22 GW New Wind & Solar By 2035

  • Queensland has released a draft of its Energy and Jobs Plan to seek stakeholder consultation for the same
  • It targets 22 GW new wind and solar capacity to come up in REZs across northern, central and southern Queensland
  • The government proposes publicly owned coal-fired power stations to be turned into clean energy hubs by 2035

The State Government of Queensland in Australia is aiming to bring online 22 GW of new wind and solar energy projects online by 2035, supported by at least 12 GW storage technologies as batteries, pumped hydro storage and government backed deep storage assets, as part of its Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan which is now open for public consultation.

This additional wind and solar capacity is targeted to be sites within renewable energy zones (REZ) across northern, central and southern Queensland.

Queensland wants renewable energy to account for 50% of its total power mix by 2030, 70% by 2032 and 80% by 2035, which it estimates will lead to the creation of 100,000 jobs. It will bring in more than AUD 62 billion ($40.8 billion) of investment, according to the government.

“We’re putting Queensland on the map as a global leader in renewable energy and reducing energy system emissions by 96% by 2040,” said the state’s Deputy Premier Steven Miles. “We’re also building our local manufacturing capacity because we will need thousands of batteries, wind turbines, solar panels and kilometres of transmission lines – and we want that equipment built here in Queensland, so Queenslanders get the benefits.”

The government says this bill provides certainty to investors in renewable hydrogen, battery manufacturing, mining and metal refining, and build the Queensland SuperGrid, ‘Australia’s largest’ to transport renewable energy across the state.

It also proposes publicly owned coal-fired power stations to evolve into clean energy hubs by 2035. The AUD 4.5 billion ($3.01 billion) Queensland Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Jobs Fund aims to empower publicly owned energy corporations to partner with industry to accelerate clean energy transition.

Public comments to the consultation will be accepted till June 30, 2023. Details are available on the government’s website.

Queensland is already the location for Fortescue Future Industries (FFI) and Windlab to build the North Queensland Super Hub with over 10 GW wind and solar power to produce green hydrogen (see Queensland Announces 10 GW Renewables Super Hub).

About The Author

Anu Bhambhani is the Senior News Editor of TaiyangNews. Anu is our solar news whirlwind. At TaiyangNews she covers everything that is of importance in the world of solar power. --Email: [email protected]