Bids Invited For Australian Solar & Storage Company Sun Cable

Sun Cable Officially Up For Sale As FTI Consulting Appointed Sale Advisor Seeks Binding Proposals From Interested Investors

Sun Cable’s voluntary administrator has opened the sale process of the company that seeks to build the ambitious AAPowerLink project. (Source: Sun Cable)
  • Reuters says FTI Consulting has appointed MA Moelis Australia and Moelis & Company LLC as sale advisor for Sun Cable
  • Moelis is now seeking binding proposals from interested bidders with an aim to either recapitalize it or sell it
  • Proposals will be accepted till April 2023, with an aim to complete the sale process by May 2023-end

Sun Cable, the company that envisioned the world’s largest solar and storage project with up to 20 GW PV and 42 GWh energy storage capacity, is up for sale after its voluntary administrator FTI Consulting launched the process seeking bid proposals from interested investors.

According to Reuters, FTI has hired the services of MA Moelis Australia and Moelis & Company LLC as sale advisor for the company. Proposals will be accepted till the end of April 2023 with an aim to either recapitalize it or sell it off altogether.

Recently, Mike Cannon Brookes led Grok Ventures was reported to have loaned $65 million to Sun Cable to help it sustain till the sale process is complete, which FTI expects by May 2023-end.

The Asia-Australia Power Link (AAPowerLink) project aimed to generated solar power in Australia’s Northern Territory with plans to supply it to Singapore via subsea cables. Its future was promising with 2 Australian billionaires backing it, Mike Cannon-Brookes and Andrew Forrest.

However, in January 2023 the company said it was entering voluntary administration due to lack of consensus on funding proposals and its future direction among shareholders (see Sun Cable Announces Entering Voluntary Administration).

About The Author

Anu Bhambhani is the Senior News Editor of TaiyangNews. Anu is our solar news whirlwind. At TaiyangNews she covers everything that is of importance in the world of solar power. --Email: [email protected]

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