According to Amazon’s 2023 Sustainability Report, it is the US where it has made maximum investments in renewable energy projects. (Photo Credit: Amazon)
According to Amazon’s 2023 Sustainability Report, it is the US where it has made maximum investments in renewable energy projects. (Photo Credit: Amazon)

Amazon Achieves 100% RE Targets 7 Years Early

Matched Renewable Energy For All Electricity Consumed By Company’s Global Operations In 2023
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Key Takeaways
  • Amazon claims to have achieved its 100% renewable energy goal 7 years ahead of the targeted year 2030  

  • This means it has been able to match all the electricity consumption of its global operations entirely with renewable energy  

  • It plans to continue investing in solar and wind projects while exploring other carbon-free energy sources 

Global e-commerce giant and the world’s largest corporate offtaker for renewable energy according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BloombergNEF), Amazon has announced achieving its 100% renewable energy target for 2030, 7 years ahead of schedule. This is up from 90% in 2022.  

It explains that this milestone means all of the electricity consumed by Amazon’s operations, including its data centers, corporate buildings, grocery stores and fulfillment centers, was matched with 100% renewable energy in 2023.  

Thanks to its renewable offtake agreements, explains the group, it has invested billions of dollars in more than 500 solar and wind projects globally, including more than 80 renewable energy projects across Asia Pacific. This represents more than 28 GW of carbon-free energy capacity, up from 401 projects in 2022 and 274 in 2021, according to its 2023 Amazon Sustainability Report.   

Apart from some 300 on-site rooftop solar projects that it says power the rooftops and properties of Amazon fulfillment centers, Whole Foods Market stores and other corporate buildings, it does not always directly use the renewable energy it procures. Rather, it matches 100% of the electricity consumed by its global operations by investing in renewable energy assets globally and also buying Renewable Energy Credits (REC).  

“We also know that this is just a moment in time, and our work to decarbonize our operations will not always be the same each year—we’ll continue to make progress, while also constantly evolving on our path to 2040,” said Amazon Chief Sustainability Officer Kara Hurst. 

By 2040, Amazon targets to reach net-zero carbon emissions. For this, it plans to continue investing in solar and wind energy projects, while also supporting other forms of carbon-free energy, like nuclear, battery storage, and emerging technologies to power its operations in the future.   

In May 2024, Amazon signed new energy contracts for 12 new off-site wind and solar capacity in Spain, representing 596 MW combined capacity (see Amazon Announces New Renewable Energy Contracts In Spain).   

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