Italian Glass Producer Signs Up For Renewable Energy

Edison Energia Signs 350 GWh/Year Multi-Year Power Supply Contract With Verallia Italia
Verallia Italia says the Edison Energia renewable energy contract will power all its Italian factories. Pictured is one of its factories. (Photo Credit: Verallia Italia)
Verallia Italia says the Edison Energia renewable energy contract will power all its Italian factories. Pictured is one of its factories. (Photo Credit: Verallia Italia)
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  • Edison Energia has announced signing a multi-year PPA for renewable energy supply 
  • Verallia Italia will purchase over 350 GWh/year clean energy from a mix of renewable energy sources 
  • A solar power plant of undisclosed capacity in Viterbo will be the primary source of this offtake agreement 

Italian electricity and natural gas supplier Edison Energia has signed a multi-year power purchase agreement (PPA) for over 350 GWh renewable energy supply with local glass producer Verallia Italia. The deal involves the supply of clean energy for Italian factories of the glass company. 

Power to be supplied will come from a mix of renewable energy sources, including a new solar PV plant in Viterbo. This solar project will be the primary source of power under the contract. 

"We make the experience gained over the years as a primary operator at a national level available to our industrial customers, focusing on quality of service, flexibility and personalized contracts: our goal is to be a reliable partner who accompanies them on a virtuous path and encourages sustainable consumption choices with reduced environmental impact," said Edison Energia CEO Massimo Quaglini. 

The power purchase agreement will enable Verallia to significantly bring down its carbon emissions as it targets to bring down its emissions by 46% by 2030.  

"This partnership, in fact, is part of our Group's broader strategy to increase the share of renewable energy and follows a first PPA already signed by Verallia in Europe: a further step towards the " 2030 Science Based Targets initiative" for the reduction of C02," said Verallia Italia CEO Marco Ravasi. Verallia says it operates 34 glass production sites in 12 countries. 

This project registers itself in the list of growing corporate interest in renewable energy in Italy. Recently, Iberdrola signed a 10-year solar PPA with Italian supermarket chain Supermercati Tosano for 20 GWh solar power annually (see Europe Solar PV News Snippets). 

According to Pexapark, over 1 GW of renewable energy was contracted via PPAs in Italy in 2023 (see Europe Contracted 16.2 GW RE Capacity Via PPAs In 2023). 

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