Coming Up Next: Solar Module Price Decline

Clean Energy Associates Forecasts Steep Module Price Drop In China In 2023, Only To Slow Down From 2024

CEA’s new report expects price declines in solar modules in 2023 as new polysilicon capacity comes up, mostly concentrated in China. (Illustrative Photo; Photo Credit: anatoliy_gleb/
  • CEA’s new report predicts Chinese solar modules prices to drop by around 15% between Q4/2022 and Q4/2023
  • This will be due to new polysilicon capacity coming online and key suppliers return to operation after UFLPA related disruption
  • Come 2025, and pricing will be dictated by the volume of new capacity in India and the US for US oriented modules

Solar PV module prices in China are likely to drop by around 15% annually between Q4/2022 and Q4/2023 as new polysilicon capacity starts to come online, breaking the supply chain bottleneck, according to Clean Energy Associates (CEA) that also sees the decline to slow down from 2024 onward as ‘margins compress at all supply chain stages’.

New polysilicon capacity will largely remain concentrated in China, especially for polysilicon and ingot/wafer capacity even as strong non-China cell and module growth plans take shape, it points out.

In its PV Price Forecasting Report Q4-2022, CEA analysts see module pricing decreasing by 10% in Southeast Asia from Q1/2023 and Q1/2024 as key suppliers return to operation after Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) related disruptions.

In Southeast Asia, pricing will decrease by another 10% between Q1/2024 and Q1/2025 as a bulk of new capacity comes up across Southeast Asia and India. Analysts add, “The volume of new capacity in India and the United States will dictate pricing trends for US oriented modules. However, new supplier plans continue to outpace US installation forecasts (and local market forecasts in the case of India/Southeast Asia), foretelling a future glut in US supply.”

In terms of technology, TOPCon will become the ‘default utility-scale module’ as PERC is offered at an increasingly discounted rate until it is retired, added CEA. TOPCon also has a better standing compared to heterojunction (HJT) since it has lower capex, simpler manufacturing and comparable efficiency.

Complete report can be purchased from the CEA website.

The CEA analysis follows similar analysis for polysilicon from Rethink Energy and Trendforce (see Polysilicon Prices To Fall ‘Steeply’ By 2023-Start and Upstream Solar PV Prices Starting To Go Down).

About The Author

Anu Bhambhani is the Senior News Editor of TaiyangNews. Anu is our solar news whirlwind. At TaiyangNews she covers everything that is of importance in the world of solar power. --Email: [email protected]