EnBW Building 300 MW Subsidy Free Solar In Germany

EnBW Starts Construction On 2 Subsidy Free Solar Projects In Germany With 150 MW Capacity Each; LONGi Solar To Supply Bifacial Panels

After announcing 2 projects with 150 MW capacity in December 2020, EnBW has now started construction work on sites that are close to the location where it has already energized the country’s largest solar PV plant with 187 MW capacity. (Photo Credit: EnBW Energie Baden- Württemberg AG)

Electricity utility company EnBW Energie Baden- Württemberg AG has started construction work on site for 2 more subsidy free solar projects in Germany’s Brandenburg region, representing a combined capacity of 300 MW. It is in the same region where EnBW energized the country’s largest solar park Weesow-Willmersdorf with 187 MW capacity in November 2020 (see First Power Into Grid For Germany’s Largest PV Park).

For these 2 projects to come up in Alttrebbin and Gottesgabe regions, EnBW has contracted China’s LONGi Solar to supply 700,000 bifacial solar panels, and Germany’s Siemens to provide central inverters. Along with EnBW, LONGi and Siemens, there are more than 40 companies involved in their construction that’s expected to last a year.

To connect these projects to the grid, EnBW said it will construct 2 of its own substations.

As EnBW believes the site in Gottesgabe may unearth archaeological artefacts during construction site, it has involved a historic monuments authority while ensuring the presence of an archaeologist on site. At both sites, the company says it has found tons of ordnance.

“The two subsidy-free solar parks in Alttrebbin and Gottesgabe will make a major contribution to the energy transition without any extra cost to consumers in the form of the surcharge under the Renewable Energy Sources Act,” said Head of Photovoltaic Project Development at EnBW, Thorsten Jörß.

These 2 projects were announced in December 2020 by EnBW that wants to create a solar cluster here, along with the 187 MW project (see EnBW: 300 MW Subsidy Free PV Capacity In Germany).

About The Author

Anu Bhambhani is the Senior News Editor of TaiyangNews. Anu is our solar news whirlwind. At TaiyangNews she covers everything that is of importance in the world of solar power. --Email: [email protected]

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