Guyana Energy Agency Launches Solar PV Tender

Applications Sought For Solar PV Equipment Supply & Delivery For Public & Community Buildings

The Guyana solar PV market is still at a nascent stage as its 14.62 MW total installed PV capacity comprises small-scale farms and mini-grids. (Photo Credit: Guyana Energy Agency)
  • GEA has launched a tender seeking solar PV equipment supply and delivery  
  • It includes delivery of 176 solar PV modules with a minimum power output of 500 W each  
  • The country increased its annual solar PV capacity by 6.66 MW in 2023 to a total of 14.62 MW 

The Guyana Energy Agency (GEA) has opened a procurement process for the supply and delivery of solar PV equipment for solar PV installations in 21 public and community buildings in 8 lots.  

The 8 lots are multimodal inverters, 176 solar PV modules with a minimum power output of 500 W each with a 20-year warranty, VRLA batteries, lithium battery energy storage system (BESS), solar PV array roof mounting hardware, balance of system (BOS) equipment, electrical conduits and fittings, and electrical equipment.  

All the equipment must be new, unused and of the most recent models. Safe and damage-free delivery of the equipment will also be the responsibility of the winning supplier. The GEA is the procuring entity.  

It launched the tender on May 30, 2024, and will admit bids till June 18, 2024. The details are available in the tender document on the GEA’s website.  

GEA says Guyana’s total installed solar PV capacity in 2022 was 7.96 MW, comprising a 1 MW solar farm, 10 off-grid systems and 59 rooftop PV systems at public buildings. In 2023, it increased by 6.661 MW to 14.62 MW.  

In the 2024 budget, the Guyana government has approved allocations for the construction of a 0.6 MW solar farm at Leguan, a 0.65 MW solar farm at Mahdia and 5 new solar PV mini-grids across various regions.   

About The Author

Anu Bhambhani is the Senior News Editor of TaiyangNews. Anu is our solar news whirlwind. At TaiyangNews she covers everything that is of importance in the world of solar power. --Email: [email protected]