Jolywood: 23.5% ‘Mass Production’ TOPCon Cell Efficiency

Jolywood Claims 23.5% Mass Production Power Conversion Efficiency For N-TOPCon High Efficiency Bifacial Solar Cell, Increasing 0.3% Over 23.2% Reported In April 2019

  • China’s Jolywood says it has achieved 23.5% mass production power conversion efficiency for bifacial solar cell
  • It used N-TOPCon 158 sq. silicon wafers for the purpose, optimizing boron expansion process and redesigned the matching metallization process
  • According to the company, this is a new record for N-type cell mass production efficiency

Chinese solar cell and module manufacturer Jolywood has reported achieving 23.5% mass production power conversion efficiency for its N-TOPCon high efficiency bifacial solar cell. The company says this efficiency is an increase of 0.3% absolute compared to the 23.2% efficiency level it managed for the front-side of its n-PERT solar cells with over 80% bifaciality last year with Belgian solar research institute imec.

Back then, they had set the goal of achieving 23.5% with more than 90% bifaciality (see 23.2% Efficiency For Bifacial N-PERT Solar Cells).

For the 23.5% efficiency, Jolywood says it used N-type 158 mm silicon wafers optimizing the boron diffusion process and redesigned the metallization process to achieve the result. Effective output has increased by 35% compared to last year.

Jolywood says with this conversion efficiency, it has set a ‘new record for mass production N-type cell efficiency’.

About The Author

Anu Bhambhani is the Senior News Editor of TaiyangNews. Anu is our solar news whirlwind. At TaiyangNews she covers everything that is of importance in the world of solar power. --Email: [email protected]

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