European Rail Network Soon To Run On 100 Percent RE

Eurostar Sets ‘Deliberately Ambitious’ Target To Source Renewable Energy, Including Solar To Power Trains
Eurostar plans to operate 30 million journeys, powered by 100% renewable energy, annually in 2030. (Photo Credit: Eurostar)
Eurostar plans to operate 30 million journeys, powered by 100% renewable energy, annually in 2030. (Photo Credit: Eurostar)
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  • Eurostar has committed to a target to power 100% of its rail network with renewable energy by 2030 
  • It aims to source clean energy to reduce its energy requirements and lower carbon emissions 
  • The network says it will work with its partners and regulators to support the deployment of new renewable energy projects 

The high-speed rail network connecting France, Belgium, the Netherlands and the UK, Eurostar has pledged to become 100% renewable energy powered by 2030 to lower its carbon emissions by 2030. 

It plans to source renewable energy for its traction needs and reduce energy requirements as per the needs identified in its 1st sustainability report. Eurostar will also focus on integrating circularity throughout its value chain by reducing energy use and minimizing waste.  

Eurostar will also work with partners and regulators to power its trains with 100% renewable energy by 2030. 

"This is a deliberately ambitious target, Eurostar wants to use its brand and commitment to accelerate change across the sector," said Eurostar CEO Gwendoline Cazenave. "To achieve our goal, we work closely together with our partners in each of our markets, we encourage regulatory support for the rapid deployment of new renewable energy projects."  

The network has already been running its train network in the Netherlands using 100% wind energy since 2017. In the UK, its share is 40% since 2023. In Belgium, it signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Infrabel in February 2024 to study the installation of novel solar projects to power trains.  

By 2030, it aims to ensure 30 million journeys a year powered by 100% renewable energy. Eurostar is now also a member of the RE100 initiative saying it is now the 1st rail company to join the network. 

"Today, the transport sector accounts for 25% of European greenhouse gas emissions, making sustainable high-speed rail a key solution to a quarter of Europe's climate problem," added Cazenave. 

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