Oil Major To Build 3 GW Solar In Spain

Clearance For TotalEnergies To Install 48 Solar Farms Across Country
Pictured is a solar power plant in Aragon, Spain which is one of the regions where TotalEnergies will install its solar farms having secured environmental clearance for these. (Illustrative Photo; Photo Credit: Wang An Qi/Shutterstock.com)
Pictured is a solar power plant in Aragon, Spain which is one of the regions where TotalEnergies will install its solar farms having secured environmental clearance for these. (Illustrative Photo; Photo Credit: Wang An Qi/Shutterstock.com)
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  • TotalEnergies has secured environmental clearance for 48 solar farms in Spain
  • It will be spread across Madrid, Murcia, Castilla-La Mancha, Andalusia and Aragon
  • Together these represent 3 GW capacity which will produce close to 6,000 GWh annually once commissioned

French energy player TotalEnergies will build 48 solar power plants with an aggregate of around 3 GW capacity across Spain after the Spanish Ministry of Energy Transition and Autonomous Communities gave environmental clearance for all these large-scale projects.

Of this capacity, 1.9 GW is scheduled to come up in the Madrid region, over 350 MW in Murcia, more than 300 MW in Castilla-La Mancha, 263 MW in Andalusia and 150 MW in Aragon regions. Initial projects are planned to come online in early 2024.

Once all this capacity is commissioned, these solar farms are expected to generate close to 6,000 GWh annually, helping prevent nearly 50 million tons of carbon emissions during their lifetime.

"For Spain, the development of these solar farms will contribute massively to the energy transition of the country because they will make it possible to supply the equivalent of the population of the entire community of Madrid," said Chairman and CEO of TotalEnergies, Patrick Pouyanné.  

At the end of 2022, the French company says it achieved close to 17 GW of renewable energy capacity out of its overarching target of 100 GW by 2030.

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