Turkey Concludes 1 GW YEKA GES-4 Solar Auction

Turkey Awards 700 MW Solar PV Capacity to 12 Projects Under YEKA GES-4 Auction
Having awarded 300 MW under a single lot in April 2022, Turkey has now completed the 1 GW YEKA GES-4 solar auction awarding remaining 700 MW for 12 projects. (Illustrative Photo; Photo Credit: Kampan/Shutterstock.com)
Having awarded 300 MW under a single lot in April 2022, Turkey has now completed the 1 GW YEKA GES-4 solar auction awarding remaining 700 MW for 12 projects. (Illustrative Photo; Photo Credit: Kampan/Shutterstock.com)
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  • Launched in July 2021, the Turkish solar energy tender YEKA GES-4 has been completed
  • The government has selected 12 projects to award 700 MW capacity with Kalyon Energy winning 150 MW in total
  • Winning bids ranged between TRY 0.49 per kWh to TRY 0.597 per kWh; projects awarded as 2x100 MW and 10x50 MW

Turkey's Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources has concluded the 1 GW Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynak Alanları (YEKA) YEKA GES-4 solar power auction round, awarding 700 MW capacity to 12 projects with the lowest bid coming in at TRY 0.49 per kWh.

According to results shared by local solar PV association Gunder, winning bids rose up to TRY 0.597 per kWh. The ministry selected 2 projects of 100 MW capacity each, and 10 plants of 50 MW each. Among the winners is Kalyon Energy that has won 150 MW in total.

With this auction of 700 MW capacity, the government has awarded all of 1 GW it offered when it launched the tender in July 2021 capping tariffs at TRY 0.40 per kWh. In April 2022, it awarded one lot of 300 MW to 3 companies all of whom won 100 MW each with the lowest winning bid coming in as TRY 0.375 per kWh (see 300 MW Solar Auctioned Under YEKA SPP-4).

With another 1.5 GW on offer under YEKA GES-5 auction launched in September 2021, Turkey is an interesting solar market to watch despite its very difficult financial situation (see Turkey Launches 1.5 GW Solar Tender).

Recently, an Ember report stated that the country was able to save $7 billion in the last 12 months with the help of locally generated wind and solar power. If gas prices remain high, these 2 power generation sources can help it save $700 million a month (see Wind & Solar Save Turkey $7 Billion In 12 Months).

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