Wisconsin Carries Potential To Generate 1.75 GW Electricity

350 Community Solar Installation of 5 MW To Produce 1.75 GW Electricity In Wisconsin, Lending Major Boost To State Economy
Community solar in Wisconsin can generate USD 2.5 billion in economic activity and 34,000 jobs. (Illustrative Image; Image Courtesy: Foxbat / Shutterstock)
Community solar in Wisconsin can generate USD 2.5 billion in economic activity and 34,000 jobs. (Illustrative Image; Image Courtesy: Foxbat / Shutterstock)
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  • Wisconsin Community Solar Economic Alliance releases study on state's solar generation potential
  • Electricity generated from 350 community solar installations of 5 MW each to have wide-ranging impact on state economy
  • The 7-year period of construction to generate over USD 223 million in economic activity

As per a study conducted by the Wisconsin Community Solar Economic Alliance, Wisconsin's community solar projects could generate up to 1.75 GW of renewable power.

The August 2023 released study estimates Wisconsin to construct and operate about 350 community solar installations of 5 MW each, which will generate about 1.75 GW of electricity annually. This, in turn, could provide a major boost to the state's economy, generating over USD 2.5 billion in economic activity and about 34,700 jobs. The cumulative impact to the state's economy over a period of 33 years is estimated to be USD 2.49 billion.

Construction and operation of the solar installations would contribute USD 1.4 billion income to the labor force in Wisconsin. Over the construction period of 7 years, the projects would generate over USD 223 million in economic activity, support for up to 3,000 direct jobs and tens of thousands more indirect and induced jobs.

Director of Research and Analytics for Forward Analytics and the Wisconsin Counties Association, Dale Knapp, said, "This study shows the lasting and wide-reaching economic impact that a build-out of community solar could bring to Wisconsin. Not only will community solar provide local tax revenue and jobs, but steady income and more economic certainty for Wisconsin farmers."

Through community solar, households, small and large businesses, schools, hospitals, et al, can save 10 to 20 percent on their utility bills. Community solar is where there are small-scale solar projects within the community that people can subscribe to, and receive credit on their utility bill for their share of power that's produced.

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