Mauritius Exploring Floating Solar Power Plant

Central Electricity Board Invites Interested Consultants For 30 MW Floating PV Project

Mauritius is contemplating a 30 MW floating solar plant at its Tamarind Falls Reservoir. Pictured is the landscape near Tamarind Falls. (Photo Credit: Gowtum/
  • CEB is looking for a consultant to explore the possibility of a 30 MW floating solar project in Mauritius
  • The consultant will submit a feasibility study for the project to come up at the Tamarind Falls Reservoir
  • It will be an expansion of a 2 MW pilot floating PV project the CEB has been exploring since 2019

The Central Electricity Board (CEB) of Mauritius is exploring the feasibility of a 30 MW floating solar PV power plant in the island nation. For this, it is now seeking to hire the services of a consultant.

The tender launched on September 13, 2023 is open to both national and international consultancy firms. Their broad scope of work is to submit a feasibility study analysis of a floating solar plant at the Tamarind Falls Reservoir.

Interested consultants can submit their bids till October 16, 2023, according to the call.

A previous feasibility study submitted by RINA Consulting in November 2019 recommended the implementation of a 2 MW floating PV project at the Tamarind Falls Reservoir which was also approved by the government.

Following a competitive auction round, 6 bids were received. However, after evaluation of bids, ‘none of the bidders was found to be responsive.’ The CEB then re-launched the exercise in July 2023 for the 2 MW project which, if all goes well, is expected to become operational by August 2024.

The CEB now wants to explore the possibility of expanding the 2 MW pilot with an additional 30 MW capacity. It also plans to set up a wind farm at Plaine Sophie with 30 MW to 40 MW capacity and integrate the power output from both the wind farm and the floating PV project within a collector substation.

About The Author

Anu Bhambhani is the Senior News Editor of TaiyangNews. Anu is our solar news whirlwind. At TaiyangNews she covers everything that is of importance in the world of solar power. --Email: [email protected]