Attractive Solar Arch From nanosun

Nanosun Promotes Sunman's Flexible Solar Modules With Eye-Catching Solar Arch

  • nanosun s.r.o., a leading solar distributor from the Czech Republic, promoted Sunman solar modules during Intersolar 2023
  • Sunman lightweight flexible modules have a power rating of up to 430 W and an efficiency of 19.2%
  • nanosun also promotes top brands of inverters, modules, and energy storage systems

nanosun s.r.o., a solar distributor based in the Czech Republic, promoted an eye-catching solar arch at the Intersolar exhibition. Although not a real-world installation, the arch was constructed to demonstrate the various applications of Sunman‘s flexible and lightweight solar modules.

nanosun used the arch as a meeting room where it served coffee to its clients. The Sunman modules are flexible, capable of bending up to 45° and weigh a mere 7.2 kg. Plus, the fact that they can be fixed using glue makes Sunman modules ideal for weak roofs that cannot support traditional solar panels. These glass-free modules have a power rating of up to 430 W and an efficiency of 19.2%.

In addition, nanosun also promoted top brands of inverters, modules, and energy storage systems.

The text is an excerpt from TaiyangNews New Solar Products Overview H1/2023, which can be downloaded for free here.

About The Author

HEAD OF TECHNOLOGY Shravan is a name to reckon with in the solar industry. Having caught the solar bug very early in his career, he began his journey 20 years ago in research, followed by stints in solar manufacturing. He then moved on to write and eventually ventured into Consulting. At TaiyangNews, he is responsible for drafting the technology reports and articles that are regularly published in TaiyangNews, apart from hosting the Conferences and Webinars that TaiyangNews conducts. [email protected]