Seasons Greetings from TaiyangNews

TaiyangNews Wishes All Our Readers Season’s Greetings And A Happy New Year
Seasons Greetings from TaiyangNews
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Dear TaiyangNews Readers,

As we come to the close of 2023, we can look back at an amazing year for the solar sector that might have lifted annual deployments over the 400 GW level, which would mean over 60% growth year-on-year.

The good news is that we could see solar power being increasingly recognized in more and more countries as a key enabler for the clean energy transition and for energy security due to its cost leadership, versatility, and simple installation requirements. At the same time, we have also been facing challenges. While it has been great to see that investors trusted in solar and supported the manufacturing industry's strong expansion, governments and administrations missed creating the boundary conditions – from permitting, more and better grids to policy frameworks enabling business models suited to solar & other renewables – to absorb what the solar sector's employees are able to produce. We have been seeing progress, but we need more and faster actions from the administration's side. The solar sector has shown it's ready, but better policy frameworks are instrumental to picking the pace up to a level that's needed to combat climate change.

TaiyangNews takes this opportunity to thank you for working with us as we try to disseminate the word on solar technology news.

We wish you health, peace, a joyful time with family and friends, and a well-deserved pause to recharge during the year-end holiday season.

If you haven't had enough from solar through the course of this year – and want to get more insights on the latest technology updates, we recommend taking a look at some of our highlights published in 2023.

Our TaiyangNews New Solar Products Overview H1/2023 provides a good selection of the many new products on display at the world's largest solar shows.

Our Market Survey: Solar Cell Production Equipment 2023 offers insights on the latest tools to produce TOPCon solar cells, the new standard solar cell technology.

Our monthly TOP Solar Modules overview provides a listing of the modules with the highest efficient commercial solar module products.

We look forward to working with you again next year. Our next TaiyangNewsLetter will be back in your inbox on Jan. 2, 2024.

Till then, happy holidays!


The TaiyangNews Team

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