TaiyangNews PV Price Index – 2024 – CW11

Weekly Overview On Prices For Polysilicon, Wafers, Cells, Modules & Solar Glass for Calendar week 11 of 2024
TaiyangNews PV Price Index – 2024 – CW11
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TaiyangNews PV Price Index – from polysilicon to solar modules:2024 CW 11

ProductPriceWoW (%)MoM (%)YtD (%)
Polysilicon RMB/kg (USD/kg)
N-Type Silicon in China (New)
Reusable Chinese 9N61.
Chinese 9N59.
Granular Silicon (New)
Global (USD/kg)
Wafer RMB/piece
p-type 182mm, 150μm2.00-1.0-1.00.0
p-type 210mm, 150μm2.75-1.8-1.8-8.3
n-type 210mm, 130μm2.95-4.2-4.2-8.7
n-type 182mm, 130μm1.98-4.8-7.9-13.9
Cells RMB/W
PERC bifacial p-type, 182mm0.38-2.6-2.65.6
PERC bifacial p-type, 210mm0.390.00.0-7.1
TOPCon n-type 182mm0.48-
Modules RMB/W
PERC monofacial p-type, 182mm0.860.00.0-1.1
PERC bifacial p-type, 182mm, 72 cells0.890.00.0-2.2
PERC bifacial p-type, 210mm, 55 cells0.920.00.0-1.1
TOPCon bifacial n-type, 182mm, 72 cells0.960.00.0-5.9
Solar Glass RMB/m2Source: ©TaiyangNews CW 11 2024

TAIYANGNEWS ALL ABOUT SOLAR POWER TaiyangNews PV Price Index – from polysilicon to solar modules:2024 – CW 11

The data was collected by Chinese market research firm Gessey Information Technology Co. Ltd. More details about prices from individual companies and analysis are available for paid subscription from Gessey

Disclaimer: TaiyangNews does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, or completeness of this price index's content. TaiyangNews does not accept responsibility or liability for any errors in this work.

All products listed in the TaiyangNews PV Price Index, except wafers, maintained their prices in Calendar Week 11. With more and more products seeing price changes Year-to-Date (YtD), the relatively stagnant trend seen so far this year is slowly changing into a declining one, except for modules which kept its level for the last few weeks. 

All of the polysilicon types listed maintained their prices Week-on-Week (WoW). Granular silicon is the only type that is up Month-on-Month (MoM), which broke its 12-week stagnant trend by gaining 2.5% last week. Chinese n-type polysilicon and reusable varieties are up 3.7% and 0.8% YtD, respectively. 

All wafer types listed saw low to mid-single-digit declines in CW11. The p-type 182 mm wafer declined -1.0%, giving up its gains so far this year. The n-type 182 mm wafers lost the most at -4.8% WoW, -7.9% MoM and -13.9% YtD. 

Prices for PERC bifacial p-type 182 mm were down -2.6% MoM, but up 5.6% YtD. PERC bifacial p-type 210 mm is down -7.1% YtD. 

While all module types listed continue to maintain their prices since CW5, they are down low- to mid-single-digits on a YtD basis. 

After a 25-week period of stability, the 3.2 mm solar glass lost -8.9% last week, while the thinner product (2.0 mm) lost almost double that at -17.5%. They, however, maintained their prices WoW in CW11. 

While product prices upstream have firmed up a bit YtD, the generally stable trend is slowly turning into a declining one. The balance between upward and downward movements has shifted more towards the latter, with 4 listed products showing gains vs. 10 showing losses. The magnitude of decline is higher for wafers and glass compared to cells and modules. 

While there has been some movement so far this year, CY2024 still maintains a generally stable trend in prices. Overall, 5 product types listed have achieved price increases in the low- to high-single-digits YtD. On the other hand, 8 products in the index have lost value in the low- to high-single-digits. We publish the TaiyangNews PV Price Index every Friday; stay tuned. 

 The data refers to average product prices in China. The data was collected by Chinese market research firm Gessey PV Consulting.

Disclaimer: TaiyangNews does not guarantee reliability, accuracy or completeness of this price index' content. TaiyangNews does not accept responsibility or liability for any errors in this work.

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