Several New Modules from AE Solar

High Power Range, PV Module Combined With Solar Thermal, And HJT Module from German Company AE Solar

The Aurora module series from AE Solar is a flexible product platform that is offered with different BOM - Monofacial with backsheet, bifacial with glass-transparent backsheet, and bifacial double-glass modules. (source: AE Solar)



AE Solar, a TIER 1 Germany headquartered solar panel manufacturer, presented 3 new product series at Intersolar this year:

  • Aurora – up to 670 W power range
  • Comet – a HJT module with up to 22.22% efficiency
  • Neptune – PVT modules that produce heat and electricity

Aurora modules are AE Solar’s most flexible product, with different electrical attributes and BOM. The product is rated at 670 W of power and 21.6% efficiency and supplied in 3 different variations in BOM – Monofacial with backsheet, Bifacial with glass-transparent backsheet, and Bifacial double- glass modules.

The Comet series is the company’s high- performance product line. Built on high efficiency HJT cell architecture, the module’s efficiency is rated at 22.2% efficiency and up to 485 W power range, making it a good contender for lowering LCOE. The Comet series is ideal for moderate and extreme climates due to its low temperature coefficient, high efficiency, glass-glass sandwich, and low-light performance.

The Neptune module series is designed to utilize solar energy that is lost as heat, which according to the AE Solar is up to 75%. This product series consists of hybrid PVT modules that are a combination of PV and solar thermal collectors. The panel’s heat is absorbed to produce thermal energy, which cools the PV panel that improves electrical performance. According to AE Solar, Neptune produces up to 10% more electricity than a conventional PV and collects heat, which is otherwise lost, for heating.

The modules are suitable for hospitals, hotels, swimming pools, houses, and any enterprise that needs heating and/ or hot water. AE Solar is promoting the Neptune series as part of the solution for Europe’s gas crisis. The German company owns 1.7 GW module production capacity, according to its website. The factories are based in China and Turkey.

About The Author

HEAD OF TECHNOLOGY Shravan is a name to reckon with in the solar industry. Having caught the solar bug very early in his career, he began his journey 20 years ago in research, followed by stints in solar manufacturing. He then moved on to write and eventually ventured into Consulting. At TaiyangNews, he is responsible for drafting the technology reports and articles that are regularly published in TaiyangNews, apart from hosting the Conferences and Webinars that TaiyangNews conducts. [email protected]

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