Solar Backsheets & Encapsulants Market Survey 2022/23

TaiyangNews Report Shows Significant Material Changes Used in Backsheets & Encapsulants for Solar Modules

The rippling effect of the price increase of PVDF that started in 2021 and extended into 2022, and materials and compositions compatible with advanced cell architectures are at the heart of the recent developments in the backsheet and encapsulation segments. Naturally, these are also the most important topics that we delve into in this 4th combined market survey on backsheets and encapsulation materials.

As PVDF backsheet prices shot through the roof, backsheets have been facing increasing competition from glass on the one hand, while using transparent backsheets on the other hand, have turned into an important technology trend, with demand for transparent backsheet products increasing from the US and India.

Reflective black backsheets, high barrier backsheets for advanced cell architectures, products based on recycled PET are a few other product level innovations that are discussed in this survey.

When it comes to encapsulants, the most important trend in the encapsulation segment is compatibility with the quickly developing cell and module technologies.

In addition, to discussing markets and technology updated, this year’s survey features 132 products from 14 suppliers and also includes the inputs from 5 component suppliers (for content details, see below).

About The Author

HEAD OF TECHNOLOGY Shravan is a name to reckon with in the solar industry. Having caught the solar bug very early in his career, he began his journey 20 years ago in research, followed by stints in solar manufacturing. He then moved on to write and eventually ventured into Consulting. At TaiyangNews, he is responsible for drafting the technology reports and articles that are regularly published in TaiyangNews, apart from hosting the Conferences and Webinars that TaiyangNews conducts. [email protected]

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