Sweden Installed Record 287 MW PV In 2019

Since 2016, the largest share of grid connected solar power capacity was added by commercial systems in the 20 kW to 1,000 kW range in Sweden, but 2019 was the first year when residential solar systems under 20 kW capacity scored over the rest, as per the Swedish Energy Agency. Cumulative installed solar power capacity of the country by 2019-end reached 698 MW. (Source: Energimyndigheten)
Sweden Installed Record 287 MW PV In 2019
  • Swedish Energy Agency says in 2019, solar power capacity that came online in the country was 287 MW
  • Most of the capacity last year came from residential solar installations of below 20 kW
  • Largest share was installed by the metropolitan municipalities of Gothenburg, Uppsala, Stockholm and Linköping that added over 15 MW each

At the end of 2019, Sweden's operational solar power capacity totaled 698 MW with the year 2019 adding 287 MW of new capacity through the deployment of almost 19,000 PV systems during the course of last year. The cumulative number of grid-connected installations went up to 44,000.

Last year's addition of 287 MW grew from 180 MW in 2018, as per the Swedish Energy Agency Energimyndigheten (see Sweden Installed 180 MW Solar In 2018).

Most of this new capacity in 2019 came from system installations below 20 kW, mostly on residential rooftops. The agency says it is the first time since it has been recording PV statistics in the country that the largest category is not commercial plant sizes of 20 kW to 1,000 kW.

Among regions, the metropolitan municipalities of Gothenburg, Uppsala, Stockholm and Linköping flaunt the biggest share having added over 15 MW each by the end of 2019, as per Statistics Sweden that collates the PV numbers in the country on behalf of the agency.

In March 2020, the agency released a forecast expecting solar power generation in the country to increase from 0.4 TWh in 2018 to 1.7 TWh in 2022 (see Sweden Expects 1.7 TWh Solar Generation By 2022).

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