Analysis Of Cell Technology Trends

Efficiency Progress And Distribution Of Different Cell Technologies In Commercial Module Production
TOPCon on the rise: While the total number of products based on various cell technologies has increased over the past month, their relative market shares have declined, with the exception of TOPCon, which remains the sole beneficiary of this fall. (source: TaiyangNews)
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  • The overview shows efficiency distribution among top modules over 2.5 years, revealing trends and exceptions in cell technologies

  • Except for TOPCon, all cell technologies have seen a decrease in market share, despite an increase in absolute product count

  • As of June 2024, the top module listings comprise 7% IBC modules, 14% HJT modules, 35% TOPCon modules, and 44% PERC modules.

This TaiyangNews TOP SOLAR MODULES H1-2024 report analyzing solar panels that are commercially available from integrated module manufacturers. A 4th of its kind, this report summarizes the key findings from 30 editions of our monthly ranking of top solar panels published on our website published between early 2022 and June 2024.

Our previous articles provides an overview of the efficiency distribution among the listed modules over 2.5 years, we have further analyzed the efficiency progress in each of the cell technologies. While it does show the larger picture as every cell technology has a typical efficiency band, there are always exceptions. However, in this chapter, we aim to provide an analysis of each cell technology used in commercial module production (see Trends In Solar Module Efficiencies).

Share of technologies

Starting with the statistics, the chart below summarizes the cell technology distribution among the top module products listed each month. Except for TOPCon, all the technologies have lost their share over the course of 24 months, while the absolute product count did increase forall technologies except for PERC. With all the technologies put together, the graph may appear somewhat complex. However, it becomes clearer when each cell technology is evaluated separately.

As of June 2024, from total of 57 products, 4 IBC modules, 7% share, 8 HJT with 14% share, 30 TOPCon with 35% share and 25 PERC with 44% share are listed.

The TaiyangNews TOP MODULES H1-2024 Report summarizes the key findings from over 30 editions published during 2022 and H1-2024. Download the free report here.

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