CPVS Releases China’s Highest Research-Level Solar Cell Efficiencies

Authoritative Chinese Record Data Lists Efficiencies Certified By 3rd Party Players
LONGi figures prominently in CPVS’ latest list of Chinese research solar cell efficiencies. Pictured is a file photo of LONGi securing European Solar Test Installation certificate for achieving 34.6% cell efficiency for silicon-perovskite tandem solar cells. (Photo Credit: LONGi)
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Key Takeaways
  • China’s highest research-level solar cell efficiencies were recently released by CPVS 

  • It includes cell efficiencies certified by reputed 3rd party organizations  

  • Cell area considered for the list is defined based on the total area, aperture area, and designated illumination area  

The China Renewable Energy Society PV Committee (CPVS) recently released the highest solar cell efficiencies of Chinese producers at the research level, as of June 2024. All of these efficiencies are certified by authoritative 3rd party organizations.  

A similar list for the highest cell efficiencies is published routinely by a team led by Prof. Martin Green; however, it covers cell efficiencies at the global level (see Version 64 Of Prof Martin Green Led Cell Efficiency Table).  

Considered China’s ‘most authoritative solar cell efficiency record data,’ CPVS has been publishing its highest research cell efficiencies list featuring Chinese companies, since 2017 through its Photovoltaic Professional Committee. The cell area for this list is defined by total area (t), aperture area (ap), and designated illumination area (da).   

With 6 entries, LONGi takes the cake for the list released at the 19th China Renewable Energy Conference. Its achievements include the following:  

  • 34.6% for small-area silicon-perovskite tandem cell  

  • 30.1% efficiency for large aperture area tandem silicon-perovskite tandem cell 

  • 27.30% for monocrystalline silicon solar cell (n-HBC), and   

  • 27.0% for all-back contact solar cell (TBC). 

All of these efficiencies were achieved on the designated illumination area (da). The manufacturer also won the 2023 Major Technological Advances in the Photovoltaic Field Award for 2 projects of its R&D team. These are Ultra-High Efficiency and Low-Cost Back Contact Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells, and Ultra-High Efficiency Silicon-Based Tandem Cells.  

JA Solar led the n-TOPCon technology category with 25.66% total area efficiency. Renshine Solar led the others with a record 30.1% da efficiency for perovskite-perovskite tandem cells.   

For perovskite single-junction cell efficiency, UtmoLight’s small-area perovskite module reached 19.5% da efficiency, while Microquanta’s large-area perovskite module was included in the list for 14.99% total area efficiency.     

Speaking of high efficiencies, TaiyangNews publishes the TOP SOLAR MODULES Listing that covers the highest efficiency solar modules that are commercially available. LONGi’s HPBC back-contact module is on the 3rd spot on this list with 23.2% efficiency, while JA Solar’s TOPCon module with 22.8% efficiency shares the 6th spot with some others. The highest commercial efficiency on the list is for AIKO’s ABC module with 24.2% efficiency (see TOP SOLAR MODULES Listing—August 2024).   

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