Floating Solar Technology From SolarDuck

SolarDuck's Offshore Floating Technology Harnesses Solar Power and Offers Scalable Floating Solutions
Offshore design: SolarDuck's Merganser, inspired by oil rig design, consists of flexibly interconnected semi-triangular structure with 3 floats, which is designed to withstand harsh offshore conditions such as strong winds, waves, and currents. (Source: SolarDuck)
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SolarDuck has developed a proprietary floating technology that resembles an offshore oil platform ,but instead of drilling for oil, it harnesses the power of the sun. The technology, called Merganser, consists of a flexibly interconnected semi-triangular structure with 3 floats each. The platforms are designed to withstand harsh offshore conditions, such as strong winds, waves, and currents. They are also modular and scalable, allowing for easy installation and expansion. The shape is considered to be effective for transiting loads. The low motions design of the platform ensures that it remains stable even in rough seas, which helps to protect the solar panels and other equipment. The optimal gap makes it collision free. The elevated walkways provide safe access for crew members to the platform, even in rough seas.

The floating structure, having buoyant members, features an optimized shape for reducing water resistance, minimizing marine growth and supports volumetric layout. The platforms are made of marine grade aluminum and can accommodate 131 modules arranged in the East-West orientation using standard clamps. The 10-degree tilt of the platform allows for self-cleaning, which means that the solar panels are less likely to be covered in dirt and grime, which can reduce their efficiency. The water coverage rate depends on the mooring layout and water depth, but the company approximates it as 15% including the mooring and safety zones. The floating platform is designed to withstand extreme storm conditions occurring in the North Sea with wind speeds of 32.5 m/s for a 10-minute average and is also designed to be hurricane proof with wind loads of up to 65 m/s. The technology supports a wave height of up to 7.3m typically with a threshold at 14 m.

The company prefers the drag anchors, but not restricted to, and uses steel anchors. The system uses polyester mooring lines, but in combination with steel ropes and chains. The anchor points are designed at the perimeters of the floats. The inverters and transformers are also placed on the main structure (see OffShore Floating Solar Technology From SolarDuck).

Merganser is a modular, scalable floating solar platform by SolarDuck designed to withstand harsh offshore conditions.

The text is an excerpt from the TaiyangNews Floating PV 2024 Report, which can be downloaded for free here.

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