FOST’s Floating Solar Systems

FOST's FPV Systems Offer High Compatibility With Solar Modules For Efficient Water-Based Installations
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Fost Solar’s floating PV systems, featuring the latest models, provide robust and versatile mounting solutions for high-power solar modules, suitable for both fresh and saltwater installations. (Photo Source: Fost Solar)
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  • FOST provides 3 models—BC-003F, BC-007F, and BC-008F—made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) with options for HDPE, aluminum, or Q235 fixing structures

  • The floaters support high power modules up to 600 W, accommodating monofacial, bifacial, single-glass, and dual-glass configurations, suitable for fresh and saltwater installations

  • FOST's FPV systems offer a 10-year warranty for reliability and long-term performance.

The TaiyangNews Market survey on FPV 2024 provides data on leading floating PV providers. China’s Fost Solar, also known as Bosch Xiamen also provided data for 3 models—BC-003F, BC-007F and the latest BC-008F introduced in 2023. However, data for all products is compiled in one column of the survey table. The company’s floaters are made of high-density polyethylene material (HDPE). Depending on the model, the FPV systems are equipped with HDPE, aluminum or Q235 fixing structures. All the floaters are provided with matching long and short aisles to accommodate varying lengths of solar modules available in the market. Additionally, there is a spacing between the 2 racks to reduce the risk of PV modules crashing, and the crossover between the aisles reduces the force on the connecting lug by increasing the surface strength of the float. BC-003F floats are designed with HDPV solar panel racks. BC-007F floats are equipped with aluminum solar panel racks, while metal structures are used only for the walkway with BC-008F.

According to the data provided, a 1 MW project of FOST Solar covers an area of 7,000-8,000 m2 of water surface. These products are well-suited for high power modules of up to 600 W, supporting all module configurations such as monofacial, bifacial, single-glass as well dual-glass. They are also compatible with both framed and frameless modules, as well as with fresh and salt water. Depending on the project configuration, walkways are provided for every 1 to 4 modules. These floating systems are designed for a wave height of almost 3 m. The anchoring system supports a variety of installations – offshore, bottom of the water body, and on banks. The mooring system uses lines, chains, and buoys that can withstand high winds of216 km/h and a snow load of 1 kN/m2. Galvanized steel and HDPE are the choice of materials used in anchoring and mooring.

The entire system is built for water levels of above 0.5 m with a good lightning protection system. The electrical equipment for the plant can be installed on floats or on shore. DC and AC cables are integrated into the system and use string and central inverters. These floating PV systems meet the C5 standard, related to resistance to high wind and harsh climates, and come with a 10-year warranty.

Apart from floats for solar modules, the Chinese company also offers floats for combiner boxes, inverters, and transformers, as well as mooring and anchoring systems. The cables are fixed on the floats with cable trays, and Bosch Xiamen points out that water level fluctuation must be thoroughly considered. Bosch Xiamen also offers turnkey systems, but it says that EPC contractors prefer to negotiate the module and inverter prices with the manufacturers themselves. Thus, most orders are for floats with only a few opting for complete turnkey systems.


The text is an excerpt from the TaiyangNews Floating PV 2024 Report, which can be downloaded for free here.

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