Narrowest Top Modules Efficiency Band

TaiyangNews Top Modules Analysis Features 21.5% to 21.7% Efficient Modules Dominated by PERC Technology
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Old guards: The efficiency band of 21.5 to 21.7% is almost solely represented by PERC and has the highest number of products in absolute terms, but its relative share is shrinking with hardly any new companies entering this stream. (Source: TaiyangNews)
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Key Takeaways
  • The 21.5% to 21.7% efficiency range, the lowest band, had the highest number of products, mostly represented by PERC technology

  • Jinergy’s HJT module at 21.68% efficiency featured consistently in this range until August 2023 before moving to a higher band

  • The market share for products in this efficiency range peaked at 68% in early 2022 but dropped to 44% by the end of 2023, showing a trend towards advanced cell architectures.

The efficiency range of 21.5% to 21.7%, the narrowest and lowest band in our Top Solar Module rankings, has the highest number of products and is mostly represented by PERC technology. The only exception being an HJT module from Jinergy that consistently featured in this range throughout the year 2022 until August 2023 with an efficiency of 21.68%. As mentioned above, Jinergy improved its HJT module efficiency in September, qualifying it for the band above.

During 2022, the product count increased from 13 to18, and then to 24 by the end of 2023. However, in January 2022, products within this efficiency band had a 65% market share, which peaked at 68% in March and April 2022 before gradually decreasing to 53%. By the end of 2023, it had dropped further to 44%. This reiterates the trend that an increasing number of companies are bringing products to the market based on advanced cell architectures. On the other hand, companies have also improved their PERC product efficiencies (see Insights On High-Efficiency Solar Modules).

The only change in this band has during the first 6months of 2024 was that Kalyon’s PERC product was included in the TOP SOLAR MODULES list at21.61% efficiency in March. None of the 25 products listed in this group have seen any considerable efficiency change. In 2023, the product count remained steady at 18 for the first 6 months, increasing to 24 in July. Initially, Canadian Solar, Risen, and LONGi had products with 21.7% efficiency in January. By June, Tongwei and DAS Solar joined in, with Suntech following in July. This lineup persisted until December. At 21.68% efficiency, Akcome, JinkoSolar, and Jinergy maintained consistency until August. Jinergy moved to a higher band in September (See Growth In High Efficiency Solar Modules).

The number of products at 21.6% efficiency initially increased from 4 to 5 in March, remaining so for the next 3 months. JA Solar, Talesun, Suntech and Trina Solar were among them in January, with Astronergy joining in March. Suntech left in July, and GCL-Si joined in August. In September, Astronergy moved back to 21.5% efficiency, while GCL, JA, Talesun, and Trina continued until December. The trio of Jinergy, Seraphim, and Yingli remained unchanged throughout H1 and persisted until the end of 2023. However, the list of companies offering 21.57% efficiency increased to 7 by the end of 2023, with Qn-SOLAR, SolarSpace, and URECO joining in July, and ZNSHINE joining in October. EGing PV remained the sole supplier of a 21.56% product for the entire period. Interestingly, the number of products at 21.5% efficiency decreased to 1 from 4 in the first 6 months of 2023. Initially offered by DAS Solar, Astronergy, Qcells, and Tongwei, the list shrunk to DAS Solar and Qcells by March and only Qcells in April. Starting from July, several new products from CECEP, GCL, and Runergy joined the list, with GCL moving to 21.6% in August, and Astronergy joining with reduced efficiency in September (see Top Solar Module Efficiencies 21.7 To 22 percent).

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Getting obsolete: With more focus on new n-type technologies, this efficiency band mostly represented by PERC is failing to attract attention, which is also reflected in the H1 2024 listing. (Source: TaiyangNews)

In January 2022, a total of 13 products were listed within this efficiency range, with Jinergy’s module being the most efficient at 21.68%. 5 other modules from Risen, CSI, Suntech, Talesun and Trina Solar were listed at 21.6%, with only one module from EGing at 21.57%. The remaining 6 modules from LONGi Solar, JA Solar, Jinergy, Astronergy, Qcells, and Tongwei were at the lower limit of 21.5%. By the end of 2022, the total number of products listed within this efficiency range had increased to18. While none of the products reached 21.7% in January 2022, 3 did so by December 2022. Modules with 21.68% efficiency were offered by 3 companies in December, while the number was only 1 in January. Products listed at 21.6% increased from 5 in January to 6 in February, and remained so until November, before decreasing to 4 in December. The missing ones were replaced by products with higher efficiencies. There was only 1 product with 21.57% efficiency, which gradually increased to 4 by year end. In contrast, the count of products with 21.5% efficiency reduced from 6 to 4.

The TaiyangNews TOP MODULES H1-2024 Report summarizes the key findings from over 30 editions published during 2022 and H1-2024. Download the free report here.

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