Embracing Digitalization In Solar Tracking

TrinaTracker Pitches Smart Tracking Solution With New Features & Functionalities
The brain of the control system: Trina Smart track controller acts as the main hardware, which controls all the digitalized features of the TrinaTracker system. (Photo Credit: TaiyangNews)
The brain of the control system: Trina Smart track controller acts as the main hardware, which controls all the digitalized features of the TrinaTracker system. (Photo Credit: TaiyangNews)
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  • TrinaTracker has developed its smart tracking solution as part of its solar tracker digitalization drive
  • This solution consists of 3 parts – Smart controllers, SuperTrack, and the Trina Smart Cloud system
  • Its Smart Cloud system has added new functionality called 3D mapping
  • SuperTrack is based on 2 algorithms - Smart Tracking Algorithm (STA) & Smart Backtracking Algorithm (SBA)

Digitalization and intelligent technology play a pivotal role in the evolution of solar power plants, enabling advanced monitoring, control, and optimization of energy production processes. In today's solar tracker-based power stations, digitalization of each step is extensively implemented starting from engineering & designing, construction & installation, to commissioning, and operation & maintenance, which boasts system reliability, performance, and efficiency. However, the traditional tracking system currently faces several issues such as in overcast or rainy weather conditions, inefficient operation in undulated terrain, downtime during sensor faults, and low battery issues.

To overcome the above-mentioned challenges, TrinaTracker has developed a smart tracking solution, which features 3 products – Trina smart controllers , SuperTrack, and Trina Smart Cloud. In the above context, Sun Kai, head of Smart Tracker Control System at TrinaTracker, spoke about how digitalization boosts energy efficiency in PV power plants at the recently concluded TaiyangNews Virtual Conference on Solar Power Plant Developments 2024. The Trina smart tracking solutions are adaptable to the company's various configurable tracker portfolios – Vanguard 1P, Vanguard 2P, 1P dual row linked tracker, and FixOrigin.

Smart Controller

The heart of the smart control system – the Trina smart controller, which is powered by a dual power supply design, possesses multiple extreme weather event protection features like strong wind and heavy snow events. These controllers talk to each other through wireless communication protocols like Lara and Zigbee, says Kai.

Trina Smart Cloud

The SCADA system of TrinaTracker, Trina Smart Cloud not only allows real-time monitoring and control of tracker operation but also displays operational data. According to Kai, TrinaTracker recently expanded its Smart Cloud functionalities with the inclusion of 3D digital mapping. The 3D digital map provides an intuitive virtual visualization of the tracker layout coupled with real-time operational status, which enhances the ability of maintenance personnel to identify and mitigate potential risks through remote diagnostic and pre-warning functions. Along with enhancing power generation, this new feature also supports system security and stability through multi-role permission management – enabling power plant owners to define access and operational permissions based on user rules, supports integrating with the active directory system providing various account verification solutions. To ensure the highest possible system uptime, Trina Smart Cloud comes with master-slave redundancy features.


Acknowledging the generation losses in overcast or rainy weather conditions due to high diffuse irradiance, the company pitches in its SuperTrack intelligent tracking technology, which is adaptable to diverse complex terrains. This consists of 2 core algorithms – Smart Tracking Algorithm (STA), which leverages the patented bifacial irradiance model of Trina and improves power generation in a high diffuse irradiance condition, and also Smart Backtracking Algorithm (SBA). The SBA feature utilizes operational data for disturbance training or, in some cases, uses terrain feature data to identify potential shading and then reduce generation loss due to roller shading. Sun Kai described SuperTrack's operational logic – after STA fully utilizes real-time historical meteorological data on cloudy or overcast stages, it adopts the appropriate tracking mode to fully capture diffuse rays to cope with complex terrains. The optimization of generation by the SuperTrack algorithm is done by 2 methods – 1st when it acquires terrain slope data or identifies terrain through drones, which generates a 3D terrain model that iteratively decides to output the optimal group of backtracking angles to maximize the overall energy production. The 2nd method involves integrating the inverter's real-time generation data, which identifies the shading status for each tracker row and sends a series of training commands to trackers that are followed by analysis and determination of optimal tracking angles.

In pursuit of excellence: TrinaTracker's SuperTrack smart tracking algorithm improves power generation in high diffuse irradiance conditions. (Photo Credit: TaiyangNews)
In pursuit of excellence: TrinaTracker's SuperTrack smart tracking algorithm improves power generation in high diffuse irradiance conditions. (Photo Credit: TaiyangNews)

After launching in May 2022, the Trina Smart Tracking System, with its total 4.9 GW global installed capacity, has validated and demonstrated its worth in various projects. In the Campina project in Spain, on typical overcast days, the system gained 5.5% additional generation contributing to an overall gain of 1.16% on typical overcast days, according to field performance data given by Kai.

3D visualization: TrinaTracker's 3D mapping feature enhances the ability of maintenance personnel to identify and mitigate potential fault risks. (Photo Credit: TaiyangNews)
3D visualization: TrinaTracker's 3D mapping feature enhances the ability of maintenance personnel to identify and mitigate potential fault risks. (Photo Credit: TaiyangNews)

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