After an undersubscribed 2022 renewable energy auction round, HROTE has now launched another one for 607 MW capacity. (Illustrative Photo; Photo Credit: GR.Stocks/
After an undersubscribed 2022 renewable energy auction round, HROTE has now launched another one for 607 MW capacity. (Illustrative Photo; Photo Credit: GR.Stocks/

Croatia Announces Renewable Energy Tender For 607 MW

HROTE To Award Market Premiums To New Renewable Facilities, Including Solar PV
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  • HROTE has opened a call to award a total of 607 MW renewable energy capacity 
  • Solar PV gets the maximum share with a combined 450 MW, divided as 350 MW and 100 MW under 2 measures 
  • This round is open to wind energy as well as hydroelectric facilities among other clean energy technologies 

Croatian energy market operator HROTE has announced a competitive solicitation round for a total of 607 MW renewable energy capacity with the largest chunk of 450 MW devoted to solar energy. 

According to the guidelines issued, the tender is divided into 2 parts. Under the market premium component for projects over 1 MW installed capacity, capacity allocation is as follows: 

  • 350 MW for solar PV with a ceiling of €67.05/MWh 
  • 60 MW for wind power plants with a maximum tariff of €75.27/MWh, and 
  • 7.25 MW for hydroelectric plants ranging from over 1 MW up to 10 MW, with a cap of €158.30/MWh. 

Under measure 2, eligible projects will have more than 200 kW capacity, going up to and including 1 MW. If the projects are owned by small and medium sized enterprises or renewable energy communities, the projects can have more than 200 kW and up to 6 MW capacity. 

For the 100 MW combined solar capacity under the 2nd measure, the tariff ceiling is set at €82.04/MWh. Wind power plants get to compete for a total 90 MW capacity with a ceiling tariff of €75.27/MWh. 

HROTE says this public auction is in accordance with the state aid program to support renewable energy and high-efficiency co-generation production capacity with market premiums and a guaranteed purchase price. 

It seeks to receive at least 3 valid offers for each group of production facilities to ensure a competitive tender process. 

Launched on April 12, 2024, the public call will remain open for 60 days from the date of its publication to eligible projects. At the end of this duration, it will publish a public tender to which interested companies can submit bids within 15 days. Further details are available on HROTE's website in Croatian.

HROTE's last renewable energy auction in 2022 for 638 MW capacity was undersubscribed as bids came in for a total of 150.086 MW capacity, including 13 MW for solar energy projects (see Croatia's 638 MW RE Tender Undersubscribed).  

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