Flanders’ Call For Green Electricity Subsidy

Flemish Energy Agency Invites Applications To Support Residential Solar PV Installations
VEKA is seeking applications for residential solar installations in Flanders to support with state aid. (Illustrative Photo; Photo Credit: Andre Nery/Shutterstock.com)
VEKA is seeking applications for residential solar installations in Flanders to support with state aid. (Illustrative Photo; Photo Credit: Andre Nery/Shutterstock.com)
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  • Flanders in Belgium has opened the 1st Green Electricity Call for 2023 to support residential solar installations
  • Projects need to come online within 18 months of being granted state aid
  • 2 more rounds are to be announced during 2023 with one of them being including floating PV

The Flemish Energy and Climate Agency or Vlaams Energie- en Klimaatagentschap (VEKA) has opened a €3 million funding round to support residential solar installations in Belgium's Flanders as part of the 1st round of the region's Green Electricity Call for 2023.

Projects will be chosen as PV installations in energy communities and on residential buildings under subcall 1 for which VEKA has allocated a budget of €500,000. Other PV installations will be covered under subcall 2 with a budget of €2,500,000.

Solar energy projects need to be commissioned within 18 months from the date of the notification of the award and proof submitted to VEKA within 30 days of it coming online.

The call opened on April 17, 2023, and will end on May 2, 2023. Applications need to be submitted via the energy portal.

 VEKA plans to announce 2 more calls over the year. The 2nd call will be for floating PV installations, PV installations on marginal lands and small and medium-sized wind turbines (subcall 1), and all other PV installations (subcall 2). It will be opened on May 30, 2023.

The 3rd call on October 17, 2023 will again open for PV installation in energy communities and PV installations on residential buildings (subcall 1), and all other PV installations (subcall 2).

For all these 3 calls, the government has set aside a combined budget of €9 million, according to a ministerial decree.

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